Buff Rectory Limestone - Concrete Flagstones

New Product: Rectory Limestone Concrete Flagstone Paving

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The new Rectory Limestone range of premium concrete paving are designed to look and feel like time-worn flagstones. They are perfect for period homes and cottage gardens. They provide an antique appearance and ‘established’ and weathered aesthetic.

Available Colours for Rectory Limestone

These antique-style concrete flagstones are available in three different colours:

The Buff is ideal Cotswold and Bath stone buildings found across Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire and Avon.

The Cream compliments the likes of Purbeck and Portland limestone which is found across the UK not just in its native Dorset.

The Grey will work well with various region stones such as Welsh Pennant sandstone, Somerset Kingsbury Lias limestone, Cumbrian Urswick limestone and Malham Yorkshire limestone.

Buff Rectory Limestone

Slate Grey Rectory Limestone

Cream Rectory Limestone

Antique Worn Limestone Paving

When you live in a rural house or period home, you want paving that is in keeping with the property and looks age-appropriate!

Sourcing period flagstones in the right condition, with the right colouring, weathering, character and enough matching pavers to cover the patio can be challenging. Doing so without shelling out a small-fortune or spending oodles of time in reclamation yards or scouring the internet requires a fair bit of luck.

That’s where decorative concrete products come into their own. They are designed to bridge the gap between demand for the right antique flagstone aesthetics and the supply of available paving.

Rectory Flagstones have been designed to specifically recreate the look of time-worn limestone, and faithfully reproduce the patina found on historic limestone flagging.

The surface of these flagstones is flat, with a barely undulating surface and typical limestone orange-peel like finish that has been worn smooth over time.

Pack Format

The Rectory range is supplied in a mixed-size paving contractor pack, with each pack having 9m2 coverage. The pack consists of four sizes of paving slab:

  • 300mm x 300mm
  • 600mm x 300mm
  • 600mm x 450mm
  • 600mm x 600mm